Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The beginning....... of the end.

Who would have thought it? I've been getting pressure from all quarters to start a blog. Like I have nothing better to do with my time! Posting my thoughts and inner intimacies for total strangers to peruse, do you have any idea of the freaks and sick bastards you'll find online?(Case in point, that last bastion of communism, the 27thcomrade). Then again, here I am, blogging. Who's the dummy now?
Anywho, I've always had an issue with putting my thoughts down. Something about being a great talker. The actual tangibility of my thoughts makes all too obvious to my condition i.e. messed up, like my food supply had dried up. Darlyn says it's therapeutic, if you can see it, you can treat it.
That's it for now. If you see me heading to the edge, push me over. It can't be that far down after all...........................

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